Approval and translation of documents


We simplify your approval, we maximize your results

Move forward with confidence thanks to our technological platform, live interactive classes and coaching sessions that adjust each step to your goals. Trust our specialized team to ensure an agile and error-free process. With record times and translations included, we bring you one step closer to your professional goal in the US
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Homologation in record time

We have been able to get candidates to validate their credentials in less than a month thanks to our experience and strategic connections. Our focus is on minimizing time and maximizing results.
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Translation costs covered

We take care of the professional translation of your documents at no additional cost to you, ensuring accuracy and compliance with the standards required in the U.S.
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Specialized Credential Validation Team

We have an expert team that thoroughly reviews each document to avoid reprocessing and ensure that everything is correct from the start.

Fast, accurate and without reprocesses

Our service focuses on minimizing time and errors. With covered translations and an expert team, we make standardizing your documents a smooth and stress-free process.

Our process


We ask the candidate's university for the required academic certificates.

Collegiate organization or local nursing bodies

We coordinate with regulators to request the necessary information.

Credential validator in the United States

We opened the candidate's case through our corporate account to expedite the validation of the information.

OnMyWay Experts

We verify, translate and send the documents to the validating body, ensuring that the process is smooth and fast.

Move seamlessly towards your certification and professional career

Once issued the “Report of Evaluation of Educational Credentials”, we initiated the procedure before a board of nursing in the United States and managed the judicial background check. In the meantime, we prepare you for NCLEX to move forward without interruption.
Start your approval today.

Your approval, our commitment

Let us handle the complex procedures so that you can move quickly and safely towards your certification and relocation. With OnMyWay, validating your documents has never been easier.